
Nancy Weiss: Psychotherapy Soul Collage Cards

  • Are you exhausted by your day-to-day life circumstances?
  • What motivates you?
  • What impassions you?
  • How do you soothe yourself?
  • What is your pain?
  • In what areas are you feeling stuck?
  • What tools do you use to gain insight into your psychological processes?
  • What do you wish to do that you are too afraid to try? What gets in your way?

Throughout my work as a psychotherapist, I have encountered many forms of suffering—emotional, physiological and environmental, and I have helped people contain very painful and often self-sabotaging psychic processes. It has been deeply satisfying to listen into people’s stories and to develop effective tools for self-understanding and empowerment.

Because no single intervention suits everyone, I trained in a myriad of methods, including depth psychotherapy, relationship therapy, short-term cognitive approaches, expressive arts techniques, mindfulness, and stress-reduction.

While these techniques have all provided significant and satisfying results, I have discovered that there is often a missing piece, if I focus solely on someone’s “psychology.” I have come to believe that genuine healing occurs in the interface of psyche and spirit, and in facilitating access to that divine spark that I consider the soul.

Indeed, it seems that this sense of wholeness invites the insight and movement that bring about inner peace, balance, and healing.

Nancy Weiss Psychotherapy Soul Collage Cards

If we dare to ask the question, “Who am I?” then we commit ourselves to the responsibility of honing our way to our own inner truth.
-Marion Woodman

My Therapeutic Tools:

  • Jungian-based depth psychotherapy
  • Dream work
  • Expressive Arts and Journaling
  • Relationship and Family Therapy
  • Child and Adolescent Therapy
  • Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  • Meditative Mindfulness Practices and Creative Visualization

My Practice incorporates:

Psychospiritual concerns such as:

  • Embracing and processing “shadow” aspects and other disowned parts of yourself
  • Negotiating existential and spiritual crises
  • Trusting your intuitive voice
  • Deepening access to your creative self-expression
  • Managing grief and loss
  • Chronic health problems

Therapeutic issues such as:

  • Enhancing self-esteem
  • Healing childhood wounds
  • Managing anxiety, depression and traumatic experiences
  • Identifying ego-strengths and developing greater functioning capacities
  • Enhancing intimacy and the quality of your relationships
  • Managing life transitions
  • Child and adolescent identity issues
  • Stress reduction

Healing may not be so much about getting better, as about letting go of everything that isn’t you—all of the expectations, all of that beliefs—and becoming who you are. Not a better you, but a realer you.
-Rachel Naomi Remen